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  • Writer's pictureLauren Lehmann

The Tip Of The Spear

For this trip, we are going to hop on a plane and head to a little island named Guam. Guam is not only one of my family’s favorite vacation spots from when we lived overseas, but it was a place that I got to experience a lot of fun new things that I might not have gotten to experience.

Guam is a part of a group of beautiful islands that are located in the Western Pacific Ocean and it is owned by the United States. This island is covered in beautiful white sandy beaches and palm trees. Naturally when you are in a place with palm trees and white sandy beaches you are going to spend all day down by the water but at this resort that was not the only thing we did. What was different was that this place had a bunch of different activities to enjoy and 3 different pools to choose from. The only other thing that needs to be said is that I hope you brought your sunscreen.

While we were there we were staying at a resort where I got to learn a lot of new activities. One of my favorite things that we got to do was learn how to snorkel. The resort had a training pool that you can learn what you should and shouldn’t do while snorkeling, and then if you wanted you could rent a boat and try it out in the open ocean and get to see all the amazing fish. In my opinion, I would give that a 10/10. Snorkeling was just one of the many activities that you could do you could learn how to scuba dive, windsurfing, archery, kayak, and even basket-weave.

One question that is commonly asked when looking for a vacation spot is what the weather is like. My answer to this question is that it is absolutely amazing because not only is it warm but it is sunny most of the time. When people describe Guam whether they say that it is a tropical climate with two seasons. There two seasons is the dry season between December to April and the wet season from April to December. In my opinion, this climate will make a very good vacation spot for someone who is looking for a tropical island getaway.

While we were there we had gone out to eat a few times and the places we had gone were Tony Romas steak house and the Hard Rock Cafe. Although those places don’t really have anything to do with the culture it was a nice sense of normalcy for us. If I were to go back there I would want to try some of the more cultural foods and explore the city more than we did.

Although we didn’t leave the resort most of the time I would still highly recommend you visit this island. From the weather to the white sandy beaches it is a beautiful place with a lot of different beaches and activities that you can enjoy. The one thing that I would change about my experience all together is that I would want to visit more of the island and see how different here culture is.

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