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  • Writer's pictureLauren Lehmann

Venice Of The North

On our next trip, we are going to jump on a plane and head to Amsterdam. When my mom and dad had first told me that we were going to go to Amsterdam I was not only excited to go and see the city but I also got to see one of my best friends that lives there. My friend is from there originally and she had given us the inside scoop on where to go and places to see. It was neat to explore different parts of the city with people who are from there because they can show you some of the best places to go in the city.

One of the first places that we had gone to was the Anne Frank House. When we had walked by it the day before you couldn’t even tell it was a historical landmark it just looked like a normal shop but that was the point. When you go into the building you get to go into the annex and see where they had spent a lot of there time. I thought that it was really cool because in history class you always hear about what they had gone through but while there I got to to see with my own eyes what they had to go though and what they had seen for all that time.

Another really cool place that we went to was a small village outside of Amsterdam called Zuiderzee museum where we dressed up in there traditional clothing and we learned how to do a thing like we would if we lived there in earlier times. We got to make a jump rope out of sheep's wool and learn how they make cheese. I thought that it was cool to learn and experience how people did things before I was even born.

One thing that I researched was what are some of the best places to get traditional food. What I had found was there is a place in the heart of Amsterdam called Moders where they sell only traditional Dutch food. Some of there most popular foods that they sell are the erwtensoep (pea soup with ham and smoked sausage), stamppot (mashed potatoes mixed with vegetables, served with meat and gravy) and suddervlees (slowly braised meat).

One thing that I noticed while there was how pretty the whole city was. Outside of the city there are fields of tulips and windmills everywhere. When I saw them for the first time it was absolutely breathtaking. When you get into the city the buildings have so much history and so much personality to them which makes them all unique in their own way.

There are multiple reasons that I want to go back to this city but one of them would have to be that I didn’t see enough of it. There is so much more to explore that I was not there nearly enough to be able to see it all.

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